Behringer, good or bad?
Is Behringer gear good or bad? This is a very hotly debated question throughout the audio world. I have used a lot of Behringer gear and the answer is yes, and no. In days gone by, and in my experience, the biggest problem with Behringer gear was low quality switches and speaker box construction. The design of the gear was always innovative and high quality. The quality of speaker components and amplifiers was always quite good. Keeping in mind that Behringer mostly only makes caberat grade gear, there is some good news. With millions of dollars invested in their Chinese factory, Behringer have released thier X32 series of mixers. I spoke to Uli Behringer some 10 years ago about releasing a touring grade mixer and here it is! I have used 2 of them for 2 years now and they are amazing. The amplifiers Behringer make have alway been great (powerful and reliable) and that it what we use. Behringer speakers are well designed however suffer from two problems. The boxes are not well made ( low grade glue) and the horn speakers are not high powered and suffer from the spkeaker protection system. Here at Glenn Smith Event Hire Production Hire we are refurbishing 18 in Behringer 18 driver with astonishing results!